Winncare bath pillow Manger Comfort
- Electrically inflatable bath cushion
- Can descend to the bottom of the bathtub
- User weight up to 150 kg
MANGAR COMFORT with the Airflo 12 system is an electrical inflatable bath cushion that will facilitate daily hygiene.
Completely lower it to the bottom of the bathtub and gently and safely lift it back up – all this at the press of a button. A bath pillow is ideal if you have difficulty getting into and out of the bathtub. Air can be released either completely, immersing in the bath completely, or left partially inflated.
- Allows you to completely descend to the floor of the bath
- Portable, lightweight and very stable
- No need to transform the bathroom
- Installable or removable in seconds
- Battery operated – no dangerous power cables
- Waterproof hand control
- Safety feature: Lowers you into the bathtub only when the battery capacity is enough to lift you up again
User max weight up to 150 kg
More information about this or other hygiene aids offered by Wincare can be found on the Winncare website