Bimanual wheelchairs

Progeo Joker

  • Non-folding frame
  • Compact place for legs
  • Lightweight wheelchair

Lightweight and durable wheelchair with non-folding frame. The weight of a wheelchair is 5.9 kg without wheels.

Patented system for simple and quick adjustment of the height of the back of the chair and other settings. The leg part of the frame is especially compact, which improves maneuverability.

Joker is ordered individually according to your measures and selected set. Various foot supports, bending angles of the road, wheel height adjustment and other parameters are available.

Seat width 33-48 cm

Back height 24.5 -47 cm

Joker available in different colours.

You can find more information about joker variations in the attached brochures or on the Progeo website Joker


2B Šmerļa Str., Riga
Latvia, LV-1006

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