Bimanual wheelchairsChildren's wheelchairs
Progeo Joker Junior
- Non-folding frame
- Adaptable to the growth of the child
- Undivided footrests
Joker Junior is a wheelchair for children with a non-folding frame that provides stability and a rigid frame.
Designed not to limit the activity and dynamics of the child, the wheelchair is easily adjusted with the growth of the child.
The back part is designed with the child’s posture in mind. The footrest is undivided, and it is possible to raise it to the back for closer access. Convenient push handle available.
The wheelchair will be ordered according to individual dimensions and wishes..
Seat width 24-36 cm
Back height 29-51 cm
The Joker Junior is available in a variety of colours for both frame and cane guards.
You can find more information about Joker Junior in the attached brochure or on the Progeo website Joker Junior